Short animation made by Xinas for Coöperatie DOOR U.A. to explain their sustainable and environmental friendly process among their network of growers.
The animation was made in 4 series ( Energy, Water, Crop Protection and 100% Use ). These animations were produced in 3 different languages ( Dutch, German and English ).
Short animation made by Xinas for Coöperatie DOOR U.A. to explain their sustainable and environmental friendly process among their network of growers.
The animation was made in 4 series ( Energy, Water, Crop Protection and 100% Use ). These animations were produced in 3 different languages ( Dutch, German and English ).
Short animation made by Xinas for Coöperatie DOOR U.A. to explain their sustainable and environmental friendly process among their network of growers.
The animation was made in 4 series ( Energy, Water, Crop Protection and 100% Use ). These animations were produced in 3 different languages ( Dutch, German and English ).
Short animation made by Xinas for Coöperatie DOOR U.A. to explain their sustainable and environmental friendly process among their network of growers.
The animation was made in 4 series ( Energy, Water, Crop Protection and 100% Use ). These animations were produced in 3 different languages ( Dutch, German and English ).
This Project is part of the TimeTravel Limes 3D reconstruction of Roman castles along the Rijn river in The Netherlands.
This Project is part of the TimeTravel Limes 3D reconstruction of Roman castles along the Rijn river in The Netherlands. (On going project)
These CG projects are for the VPRO documentary series “Onzichtbaar Nederland”. For these TV series we have to create ‘historically justified’ 3D virtual reconstruction of historical places that do not exist anymore in the Netherlands. The post production and final visual effects will be done by our counterpart VFX studio in Bristol UK who is specialized in creating data viz, VFX and animation for reputable channels as Discovery Channel, National Geographic and BCC. For the historical point of view, we were supported by team of historians based in Woerden.
These CG projects are for the VPRO documentary series “Onzichtbaar Nederland”. For these TV series we have to create ‘historically justified’ 3D virtual reconstruction of historical places that do not exist anymore in the Netherlands. The post production and final visual effects will be done by our counterpart VFX studio in Bristol UK who is specialized in creating data viz, VFX and animation for reputable channels as Discovery Channel, National Geographic and BCC. For the historical point of view, we were supported by team of historians based in Woerden.
These CG projects are for the VPRO documentary series “Onzichtbaar Nederland”. For these TV series we have to create ‘historically justified’ 3D virtual reconstruction of historical places that do not exist anymore in the Netherlands. The post production and final visual effects will be done by our counterpart VFX studio in Bristol UK who is specialized in creating data viz, VFX and animation for reputable channels as Discovery Channel, National Geographic and BCC. For the historical point of view, we were supported by team of historians based in Woerden.
Boeren in de Duinen animatie